These are 20 things you should never do to move on from a breakup.

Obsess over your ex on social media

Obsessing over your ex on social media is one of the worst things you can do when trying to move on from a breakup. Constantly checking their social media profiles, likes, comments, and new posts can be detrimental to your healing process. It can trigger painful memories, bring up old emotions, and prevent you from moving forward. Moreover, it can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as stalking, cyberbullying, or even engaging in a rebound relationship to make your ex jealous. Therefore, it’s essential to take a break from social media or unfollow/block your ex’s accounts to reduce the temptation of checking their updates. Instead, focus on your own life, hobbies, and goals, and use social media as a tool for positivity and self-expression.

Ways to avoid problems (to be changed to mistakes) after a breakup
Ways to avoid problems (to be changed to mistakes) after a breakup

Stalk your ex or their new partner

Stalking your ex or their new partner is a major red flag and can cause harm not only to yourself but to others as well. It’s important to remember that their life is their own and you have no right to intrude upon it. Obsessively checking their social media or showing up unannounced can also be considered harassment, which is not only illegal but can also harm your chances of moving on and finding a healthy relationship in the future. It’s best to focus on your own life and let your ex and their new partner move on with theirs.

Refuse to accept the breakup

Refusing to accept the breakup can make it much harder to move on. It’s important to accept that the relationship has ended and to start focusing on your own life. Refusing to accept the breakup can also lead to trying to convince your ex to take you back or to constantly reaching out to them, which can be unhealthy and prolong the healing process. Accepting the end of the relationship is the first step towards healing and moving forward.

Ways to avoid problems (to be changed to mistakes) after a breakup

Blame yourself for the breakup

Blaming oneself for the breakup is one of the things that people should never do to get over a breakup. While it’s important to reflect on the relationship and any mistakes that were made, it’s important to remember that a breakup is a mutual decision made by two people. It’s not solely one person’s fault, and placing blame on oneself can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and inadequacy. It’s important to acknowledge one’s own feelings and take responsibility for any actions that may have contributed to the breakup, but not to take all the blame.

Jump into a new relationship too soon

It’s not a good idea to jump into a new relationship too soon after a breakup. You need time to heal and process your emotions before you can truly be ready for a new relationship. If you start dating someone new right away, you may be using that person as a distraction from your pain, or you may find that you’re not really over your ex and end up comparing your new partner to them. Take the time you need to heal and focus on yourself before getting involved in a new relationship.

Engage in self-destructive behaviors

Engaging in self-destructive behaviors, such as excessive drinking, drug use, overeating, or other harmful activities, can be tempting when going through a breakup. However, it will only cause more harm than good in the long run. These behaviors may provide temporary relief, but they ultimately prevent you from healing and moving on from the breakup. It’s important to prioritize your mental and physical health during this time and find healthy ways to cope with your emotions.


In conclusion, getting over a breakup can be a challenging process, but there are certain things that you should avoid doing to make the process smoother and healthier. These include obsessing over your ex on social media, stalking them or their new partner, refusing to accept the breakup, blaming yourself for the breakup, jumping into a new relationship too soon, engaging in self-destructive behaviors, and many more. Instead, you should take the time to feel your emotions, cut off contact with your ex, focus on self-care and self-improvement, and seek support from loved ones or a professional if necessary. Remember that healing is a process, and it takes time, patience, and self-compassion.

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